- Owner of Practical Preppers LLC.
- Sustainable living Design Engineer specializing in off grid water and energy systems.
- Conference Speaker
- Retreat design Consultant
- National Geographic Consultant
- 10 yrs as a Product Development Engineer with Michelin Tire Corporation 1992-2002
- Manager of a cow/calf operation 1995- Present
- Experienced homesteader
- Welding and metal fabricator-Employed by Kinetic Sculptor George Rickey 1988- 1992
- Machine operator of all kinds related to construction, machining and farming.
- Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Pickens 2001-2011
Listen to Scott Hunt on the Prepping Academy Podcast
Prepper Goals
For me being a Prepper means that I have the ability to grow and preserve our own food, secure my own water source and have an alternative energy supply. Preppers take the time to learn and teach important skills such as self defense, hunting, gardening, food storage, energy storage and conversion and how to locate fresh water. As a Prepper I strive towards self sufficiency, energy efficiency, alternative energy, conservation and helping others do the same.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” -Benjamin Franklin
“Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice.” -Henry Ford