Ryan Mitchell’s Update

Ryan Mitchell
The Tiny Lifethetinylife.com
Managing Editor & Owner

Living in only 150 square feet for years, Ryan Mitchell has learned a thing or two about living simply. From downsizing to life simplification, and designing a life that’s right for you, Ryan brings a lot of experience and practical knowledge to the table. He built his own tiny house in 2012 learning as he went along which inspired him to help others in their journey to live small. In 2014 he went off grid with his tiny house, installing a 4,000 watt solar array and has lived off the grid ever since. Today he still lives in his tiny house full time, teaching others how to live simply. As a best selling author, he’s been featured in the New York Times, BBC, Associated Press, Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Mother Earth News, Treehugger, and NPR.

About The Tiny Life

People are waking up to the fact that there is a better way to live; we want to live happier lives, to have less stress, to spend time with those we care about and doing the things that are important to us.  My name is Ryan Mitchell and I’ve been working for over a decade on finding the life that is right for me and helping others do the same.  I started with tiny houses and now today I aim to provide practical tools for everyday simple living.  We cover three main ways someone can live a simpler life: tiny houses, minimalism, and homesteading. Please visit —>  https://thetinylife.com

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