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“OTW BABY!!!” Was the last text Beau sent before the EMP took down the grid and cell service was lost. Now Beau had to keep his promise and get home to his wife, traversing a city without power and filled with gangs, fires, and other desperate people intent on keeping their own promises. Travel with Beau and his companions in The I-85 Chronicles: Exit 41 “OTW BABY!!!” The First Book in the series by R.A.Bratyanski, Author of the Mouths To Feed series.
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Glen Tate – 299 Days: The Preparation (Volume 1)

Meet Grant Matson: lawyer, father, suburbanite husband who awakens to the fragility of modern society and embarks on a personal journey that introduces him to a world of self-reliance and liberation. 299 Days: The Preparation, the first book in the 299 Days series, depicts the inner struggles Grant must face as he exists in a social system he recognizes as unsustainable and on the verge of collapse, but one in which he has built his life around.   Click Here to Download


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Franklin Horton’s  – The Borrowed World: A Novel of Post-Apocalyptic Collapse (Volume 1)
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Get a FREE e-book from Arthur Bradley (EMP & CME Expert)
Dr. Arthur Bradley is an Army veteran, disaster preparedness expert, martial artist, and weapons aficionado. He holds a doctorate in engineering and currently works for NASA. He has been featured in the New York Times, Men’s Journal, Costco Connection, Toronto Sun, Popular Mechanics, and Money magazine
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Get a FREE e-book from Forrest Garvin (founder of PrepperNet)
Should Christians prepare for the worst? Isn’t that one of the big questions we all face? If we have our faith in God, shouldn’t we trust Him to take care of us? Where is the line between faith and prudence anyway?  Does the Bible actually talk about any of this? Yes, it does! God knows the dangers that we face and He knows what we should do about it. He is not blind to our needs. We can see the balance between doing our part and trusting in Him in His Word. It doesn’t have to be one or the other; it can, and should, be both.   Click Here


Stand Firm to the End by Forrest Garvin
This insightful book explores Jesus’ warning to us, looking not only at what is coming, but what we can do about it. By following His advice, we guarantee that His best will be done in our lives. While many other believers may sit around, praying for deliverance, those who do what the Lord has instructed will already be protected from the storm. Our time is limited; after all, “no man knows the day or hour.” All we know is that it is coming. That’s okay, though, as there is still time. We can emulate the five wise virgins, who prepared for the coming of the bridegroom, rather than being counted amongst the foolish, who didn’t bother to prepare. Stand Firm to the End Kindle Formatting



The Preparedness Roadmap – By Forrest Garvin

“The Preparedness Roadmap” approaches disaster readiness with a series of practical tasks laid out over twelve months. During each block of time, we cover the three most important aspects of your path: what to buy, what to learn, and how to improve your mindset. “The Preparedness Roadmap” takes a measured approach to improving your survival posture, one that recognizes success results from a slow and steady approach that builds and reinforces good habits (the marathon) and not quick all-consuming action resulting from fear (the sprint).

“The Preparedness Roadmap” is written for both the novice prepper seeking an experienced guide on their journey and for the seasoned prepper looking for new inspiration and a tune-up. “The Preparedness Roadmap” is a must-have for the library of every household seeking to improve their position in this unstable world.  (Click here to Download)